Disease Areas

In Japan, there are significant unmet medical needs in the area of neurology

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders results in severe health consequences for patients and significant economic loss for society.
ACULYS aims to solve these issues.

Narcolepsy is a chronic neurologic sleep disorder that impacts the brain’s ability to control sleep-wake cycles. The primary symptom is “excessive daytime sleepiness.”. In addition, as a result of the fact that narcolepsy often occurs along with other disorders, and there is a general low level of public awareness of disease, narcolepsy is highly underdiagnosed in Japan.

The impact of sleep deprivation on Japanese society is enormous. Research shows decreased productivity at work and absence or sick leave due to lack of sleep cause an economic loss of about 3% of Japanese GDP, equivalent to about 15 trillion yen 1)

1) RAND Corp. report 2016

Associated symptoms with sleep disorders include memory loss, poor concentration, depression and anxiety, often resulting in psycho-social impairments on relationships, academic performance, professional success and leisure activities.

Pharmacological therapies for sleep disorders are limited in Japan, and we believe there is significant room for improvement for new treatments that offer greater efficacy and safety.

A Comprehensive “Sleep Ecosystem” That Goes Beyond Medication to Address the Many Challenges of Sleep Disorders in Japan

  • The impact of sleep disorders on Japanese society is enormous. Sleep disorders cause a decline in quality of life and job performace, as well as increased medical costs due to delays in diagnosis and treatment. At ACULYS, we understand the importance of a comprehensive support system for those affected by sleep disorders.
  • The ACULYS Sleep Ecosystem ensures access to medical care by educating people about the importance of sleep, identifying potential issues, and encouraging those at risk for disease to seek medical attention. By monitoring symptoms on a daily basis after treatment begins, we aim to create an environment that supports an optimal response for each individual, as sleep conditions vary greatly from person to person.
  • With the latest IOT and wearable device technology, we can now measure each individual’s actual sleep patterns, providing an accurate assessment of a person’s sleep health in a way that is far better than previous approaches.
  • At ACULYS, we are collaborating with various partners to build a Sleep Ecosystem that addresses the challenges faced by patients and society as a whole. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive support system that goes beyond medication—helping patients achieve better sleep and improved overall quality of life.

1) Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Sleep Disordered Breathing in Cardiovascular Disease (JCS 2010); The Japanese Circulation Society

Concept of “Sleep Ecosystem”. The ecosystem has five phases: 1. Consciousness of sleep problems; 2. Consultation: promote early consultation at neighborhood outpatient clinics; 3. Diagnosis: physicians/non-specialists with their initial response to suspect patient; 4. Treatment introduction: Individualized treatment based on patient background/treatment goals; 5. Post-treatment: Improve pre-existing/complicating disease and sustain treatment adherence. Modalities and initiatives that comprise the ecosystem include: 1. Consciousness of sleep problems: Ingrain correct knowledge about sleep into public, Prevent/improve life-style and/or underlying cause, Screening test offered through online and onsite check-ups, Sleep Educations, online system to support early visits to medical institutions; 2.Diagnosis: home sleep testing by way of new diagnostic tools, Community based coordination among specialists and non-specialists; 4.Treatment: Treatment with new medicines and devices, Personalized treatment with AI and big data. Home sleep test to evaluate treatment outcomes; 5. Post treatment: Cognitive-behavioral therapy utilizing DTx.

Epileptic Seizure

We are working to reduce the physical and psychological burden of Epileptic Seizures on patients and their caregivers

Epilepsy is a condition in which repetitive seizures are triggered by the overactivity of nerve cells in the brain (epileptic seizures)1)Medical advances have made it possible to control seizures in many patients, allowing them to lead a normal social life without hindrance. In many cases, treatment is no longer necessary. However, there are patients with refractory epilepsy who continue to have seizures despite treatment with antiepileptic drugs. Misconceptions and fear about epilepsy and seizures have stigmatized this disease, which causes social issues in Japan.

1) NCNP Hospital National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry
https://www.ncnp.go.jp/hospital/patient/disease17.html (as of January 2023)

There are an estimated 300,000 patients with refractory epilepsy in Japan who have difficulty in completely controlling their seizures despite treatment with antiepileptic drugs and other therapies. 2) 3)

2) Epidemiological study on the prevalence of epilepsy and analysis of actual medical treatment status and improvement of treatment system_2013

3) Early identification of refractory epilepsy; N Engl J Med 2000 Feb 3;342(5):314-9.

While understanding of epilepsy is improving, many people lack accurate information on the condition and its causes, in addition to how to respond when seizures occur. 4)

4) From the Epilepsy Association of Japan Public Opinion Survey on Epilepsy 2013.

About one half of caregivers believe that people around them are uncomfortable because of epilepsy. A solution is needed for patients as well as caregivers 5) 6)

5) Epilepsy and social identity: the stigma of a chronic neurological disorder Lancet Neurol. 2005 Mar;4(3):171-8.

6) Have attitudes toward epilepsy improved in Germany over the last 50 years? Epilepsy Behav. 2022 Nov 29;138:108982.

A Comprehensive Support System for Patients with Epileptic Seizures and their Families

  • At ACULYS, we recognize the challenges faced by patients with epileptic seizures and their families—particularly in Japan. While many patients have controlled seizures, approximately 30% of patients have intractable epilepsy that is difficult manage with current treatments. Prompt and appropriate response and therapeutic intervention are both crucial to prevent brain damage or life-threatening risks.
  • We believe in creating a community where appropriate responses and interventions are provided whenever and wherever seizures occur. That’s why we are committed to raising awareness and promoting an accurate understanding of epileptic seizures.
  • To alleviate the physical and psychological burden of seizures on patients and their families, we will establish a system that collects and shares information using digital technology and data. This will enable us to respond to each patient’s situation in a tailored and effective manner.
  • By collaborating with external partners with pioneering technologies, we are building a new ecosystem to help epilepsy patients and their families live with peace of mind. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by epileptic seizures.

1) Epidemiological study on the prevalence of epilepsy and analysis of actual conditions of medical treatment and development of treatment system_2013
2) Kwan P, MJ Brodie. Early identification of refractory epilepsy. N Engl J Med. 2000 Feb 3;342(5):314–9.
3) Guideline on pediatric status epilepticus 2017; The Japanese Society of Child Neurology
4) https://aculys.com/en/news/20220126-193/

Concept of Ecosystem to support patients with epilepsy and their families. ACULYS, external partners, the community (school, home, public facilities), emergency medical care, and attending physicians work together. Details of the collaboration are below. ACULYS + external partners will use digital devices to medicate compliance/management, record symptoms/seizures, detect of (signs of) seizures. By accumulating real-world data of epileptic seizures, real-world evidence generation, return to HCP, patients, and families.